  • Safekeso: 多様な用途向けに精密 CNC 加工に革命を起こす Dec 10, 2024
     導入:精密エンジニアリングの世界において、Safekeso は、 CNC加工 ソリューション。 Safekeso は、その卓越した専門知識とイノベーションへの取り組みにより、幅広い製品を提供しています。 精密機械加工部品 さまざまな業界や用途に対応します。最先端の技術と細心の注意を払った表面処理プロセスにより、高品質の精密部品を求めるお客様に最適な選択肢となっています。 比類のない精度:Safekeso は CNC 加工の技術を習得し、コンポーネントに比類のない精度と精度を提供します。最先端の機械と高度なソフトウェアを備えているため、厳しい公差や複雑な形状も簡単に実現できます。から マイクロコンポーネント Safekeso の精密機械加工能力は、大型部品に至るまで、すべての製品にわたって一貫した品質を保証します。 多用途 表面処理:Safekeso の製品の際立った特徴の 1 つは、洗練された表面処理プロセスです。完璧な仕上げが美しさと機能性の両方を高めることができることを理解している Safekeso は、機械加工部品の表面品質を向上させるためにさまざまな最先端の技術を採用しています。メッキ、陽極酸化、化学エッチングのいずれであっても、Safekeso の熟練技術者チームは、各コンポーネントがお客様の仕様を満たす適切な処理を受けることを保証します。 複数のプロセス オプション:Safekeso は、クライアントに幅広い表面処理オプションを提供し、特定の要件に合わせてカスタマイズできることに誇りを持っています。同社の包括的なプロセスには、電気めっき、不動態化、粉体塗装などが含まれます。この柔軟性により、Safekeso は自動車、航空宇宙、エレクトロニクス、医療分野など、さまざまな業界の固有のニーズに合わせたソリューションを確実に提供できます。 優れた品質管理:Safekeso では、品質管理が最優先事項です。彼らは厳格な検査プロトコルを遵守し、高度な測定機器を利用して最高水準の卓越性を維持しています。 Safekeso は、細心のチェックと包括的なテストを通じて、施設から出荷されるすべての精密部品が顧客の期待を満たしているか、それを超えていることを保証します。この品質へのこだわりにより、CNC 加工業界の信頼できるパートナーとしての評判を獲得しています。 結論:精度を提供するための Safekeso の取り組み CNC 加工部品 多用途かつ細心の注意を払った表面処理能力と組み合わせることで、同社は業界のリーダーとなっています。複数のプロセスオプションに対応する能力と、 品質管理が競合他社との差別化を図っています。 Safekeso は、設計から製造まで、比類のない精度と比類のない表面仕上げを提供することに専念しており、さまざまな業界で高品質のカスタマイズされた CNC 精密コンポーネントを求めるクライアントにとって好ましい選択肢となっています。
  • Precision vs. Accuracy: What is the Difference Between Them? Jan 06, 2025
    Most times, when people say that something is very accurate, or that it has a high degree of precision, they mean the same thing. In everyday speech, precision and accuracy are relatively interchangeable. However, from a scientific or technical perspective, accuracy and precision actually refer to two different qualities. This article discusses the differences between accuracy and precision, and explains how they apply to CNC machining. What Is Accuracy? The scientific definition of accuracy is: A description of how well a measurement approximates the theoretically correct value of that measurement. In other words, scientists and engineers use accuracy to show how well a single measurement matches its true, accepted, or target value. The classic example used for explaining accuracy and precision is a bullseye target. Accuracy represents how close any measured value is to the center of the bullseye, the desired value. Any values near the desired or true value are considered relatively accurate, whether they land above, below, or to the sides of the center. The important quality for being accurate is closeness to the correct value. What is Precision? The scientific definition of precision is: A description of how close a collection of measured values match each other. Precision represents the range of variance in a data set, or the spread between data points. In the bullseye example, if multiple measured values are clustered below the center of the bullseye, they are a precise data set. However, because they are not near the center of the bullseye, they aren’t that accurate. But if the measured values are all focused around the center of the bullseye, we can say they are BOTH accurate and precise. Precision vs. Accuracy in CNC Machining While the bullseye example is popular, it can be hard to understand how it relates to fabrication and manufacturing applications. The difference between accuracy and precision in machining relates to how closely a batch of parts matches the CAD model or design blueprint. Highly accurate CNC machining equipment can produce a part that very closely matches the design model. For example, assume a part design requires a pair of 0.50-inch wide by 5.00-inch long slots machined on its surface, and the slots are 2.0 inches apart. When a quality specialist examines a single finished part, they measure that the half-inch slots were actually cut to a length of 5.05 inches, and they were only spaced 1.96 inches apart. It is the quality specialist’s job to determine whether the machined part accurately represents the design model. Whether this part is rejected or not will depend on the allowable tolerances built into the design. Precision vs. Accuracy in Summary From a machining perspective, accuracy reflects how closely a fabricated part matches the design model, while precision shows repeatability when creating that part over and over. Designers want fabricated parts to meet or exceed expectations for machining tolerances. This means finding equipment or vendors that can produce parts with both accuracy and precision. safekeso offers exactly that. Our reputation for quality and reliability means we work hard to deliver our customers their parts within the design’s specifications on every order. If you need a machine shop to fabricate your next design, our world-class CNC machining services can help you get your parts quickly and at an affordable cost.
  • Custom Machining: Here is How to Prepare for Your Project Quote Custom Machining Jan 10, 2025
    Have you recently come up with a custom part design, or do you need to manufacture a part with special requirements? If so, the next steps are to hire a manufacturer, send over your 3D computer-aided design (CAD) file, receive a fair product quote, and manufacture your product, right? Not exactly. The truth is that a lot can go wrong if your product is not correctly designed for manufacturing from the onset. For instance, you might incur huge manufacturing costs or defects that render your product useless. Therefore, there are several things and design tips that you must first understand before creating your 3D CAD and reaching out to that manufacturer. This article covers all of these and more. It will serve as a guide to help you prepare for your project quote. Some Design Guidelines for Custom CNC Machining Here are some helpful design guidelines to help you achieve high-quality parts and reduce your manufacturing costs. #1 Cavities You should design cavities and pockets to have a depth that is less than four times the cavity width. This is because end mill tools have limited cutting length, so you might experience tool deflection and vibration when fabricating cavities with a smaller depth-to-width ratio. However, if your product design requires a larger depth-to-width ratio, you will need specialty cutting tools, which might incur additional manufacturing costs. #2 Wall Thickness Thin walls are prone to vibration during CNC machining, which lowers machined parts’ achievable tolerance and accuracy. Therefore, as a rule, you should design metal parts to have a minimum wall thickness of 0.8 mm, while plastic parts should have a minimum wall thickness of 1.5 mm. It’s possible to achieve thinner walls, but it usually comes with additional manufacturing costs. #3 Holes You should design holes to have standard diameters. This allows you to use standard drill bit sizes to create these holes and eliminates the need for specialty end mill tools. We also recommend that the depth of the hole is less than four times the end mill’s nominal diameter to minimize tool deflection. #4 Tolerances Tolerance is the allowable amount of variation in the size of a machined part that will still allow for it to function properly. Product designers usually specify tolerances to manufacturers by stating the permissible limits of variation in a physical dimension. You can specify tolerances using the “±” symbol (pronounced “plus or minus”) and accompanied by a value, for example, ±0.05 mm. For instance, say you plan to fabricate a part with two holes (having a diameter of 21 ±0.25 mm), as shown in Figure 4. In such a scenario, it simply means you permit a deviation of 0.25 mm extra (or less) than your standard diameter value. So, if your manufacturer fabricates a hole with a diameter of 21.25 mm or 20.75 mm, it won’t affect the proper function of your part. CNC machines are among the most accurate manufacturing technologies, capable of achieving tight tolerances of up to ±0.04 mm. However, keep in mind that tighter tolerance requirements typically result in higher manufacturing costs. Choose the Ideal Surface Finish Although the CNC machining process is subtractive, it does a great job of producing parts with excellent surface finishes. The “as-machined” surface finish refers to machined parts coming straight from the CNC machines. These parts retain the accuracy of the manufacturing process and require no additional costs. If your parts require additional post-processing options like anodizing or powder coating, then you can expect a higher project quote from your manufacturer. Custom CNC Machining:  Safekeso Can Help Now that you know a little bit more about custom machining and product design tips, you’d probably agree that your project quote and product development success depends on your product design. That’s why you must work with a manufacturer that looks at your product design and advises you on what’s best for you. Safekeso Precision Machining is a leading provider of custom CNC machining services across Asia. We have a team of highly qualified engineers, technicians, and quality control experts capable of getting your product done right. We keep our customers’ best interests in mind, so use our quoting tool to upload your 3D CAD files, request a quote, and discuss your manufacturing project with our highly qualified engineers.


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